Our brain is often at war with itself. The primitive emotional centers (The Gecko) vs. the advanced intellectual centers (The Geek). The Gecko gets us in trouble because it’s only capacity is to react whereas the Geek thinks, then reacts.
The Geko takes over when we are feeling stressed or out of control, and it reacts with fight or flight. Unfortunately, This does not happen consciously, and The Gecko causes us not to think straight, react instead of act, fight first ask questions later, and put our foot in our mouth. When stresses pile up and we feel out of control, the Gecko shows up, and we become less productive, effective, and lose our decision-making abilities. In fact, scientific studies have shown that when we experience too much stress and overwhelm, our performance tanks. Stressful things like financial loss are actually processed in the same area of the brain that responds to mortal danger aka The Gecko area. We have all learned often the hard way that we make horrible decisions when we are under financial stress or any type of stress.
How can we be more Geek and less Gecko?
- Self-awareness. Studies show that when you put people under high levels of stress, those who are quickest to recover are those who can identify how they are feeling and express their feelings into words. Scientists, using brain scans, confirm that people who talk about and/or write about their feelings at the time they are experiencing negative emotions immediately over come these negative thoughts and feelings which improves their well-being and enhances their decision making skills.
- Make 2 lists: things you have control over and things that you don’t. Burn the list that you have no control over–they are out of your control! And focus on the areas that you have control over. So no news is good news after all. I have made it a habit of not reading the newspaper and watching the news on TV because it only stresses me out. Now I know why it stresses me out, and why it has been scientifically shown to be counterproductive. It fills my brain with things that I have no control over allowing my Gecko to run wild. So maybe we should change the phrase “G.I.G.O” from Garbage In Garbage Out to Garbage In Gecko Out.
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